You are appreciated

We started the day at chapel, which was inspiring. Introducing us the CEO of the hospital mentioned how much we have helped the hospital and reinforced that idea when we met for our review meeting. The operating rooms built have been a wonderful help. The equipment...

The first day

January 8 We arrived safely and on time in Nairobi last night. No matter how you consider it, it is a long trip. Jet lag makes sleeping the first night difficult. We got up this morning for a good breakfast and we’re on the road by 10 am. We made a stop to get a new...

Through your generosity we will continue our work

We have been blessed to continue to serve God’s people this year. We have continued to support both patient care for the indigent and disabled as well as improve the surgical capabilities of the hospitals we serve. My information is not as  complete as I would like...

Last day of work.

August 30 Good morning. I hope all of you had a good weekend. I helped my friend Stu Ross move into his new house on Saturday and had lunch with some friends. The restaurant service was glacial, but the conversation made the afternoon speed by. We spent a lot of time...