May 14
A.I.C. Child Care Center is located in Masai Land. It is about 2 hours drive from Kikuyu. The land is fairly aired with grasses and scrub trees. The Masai are cattle herders. The children’s center is directed by Daniel Sapayia. Daniel was afflicted be polio and grew up in the center. He is seen with Stu Ross.
The center has 67 residents and a total of 350 children who continue to live at home. We pay for the surgical care they receive at Kikuyu Orthopedic Rehabilitation Centre. We also help pay for administrative expenses. Some of the children have very unusual orthopedic problems a couple of which are pictured. The kids receive great compassionate care. We are pleased to be their partners.
It has been a productive stay here. I start home tomorrow. I praise God for all of your interest, supportive comments and donations.
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