May 9
Today we met with the complete leadership at Chogoria. We first reviewed how your donations have been used. I am happy to report to you that the money sent has been done according to the protocols we set up and completely accounted for. We spent some more time considering how to proceed with the operating room project and have developed the first steps of a long journey. On the way back to Kikuyu we stopped so Stu could get some fresh fruit and vegetables. The whole purchase cost $7. The fruit is very tasty and fresh. The bananas will never have to be gassed to get them to ripen.
Tomorrow we are going to a mission hospital in Kijabe about an hour from here. We will meet with an orthopedic surgeon who is considering working at Maua Methodist Hospital full time. We hope we can aid the recruitment process.
PS it is raining very hard tonight and the power is out. I can use my Kenya phone as a hotspot to send this.
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